
November Q&A

In the November Q&A, Eluña channels answers to questions from the community about navigating anxiety and worry, reclaiming psychic powers, the disclosure of humanity’s true origins, Shambala, the origins of music, and more!

Dragons Infiltrating the Catholic Church

75 MIN
In this episode of Channeling After Dark, Eluña dives further into dragons, investigating the history and relationship between dragons and the Catholic Church. She looks into the history of how dragons were vilified and she investigates how dragon energy is now infiltrating the Catholic Church once again.

Solar Eclipse Meditation

40 MIN
Live from Abu Gorab, the Sun Temple in Egypt on October 2nd during the Solar Eclipse. This is a powerful opportunity to connect with dragon energy and call in these majestic and powerful beings to assist you. Be a part of activating the dragon ley lines in the planet and call in your dragon guides!

Lunar Eclipse Meditation

58 MIN
The meditation was channeled during the Lunar Eclipse from the Temple of Isis in Egypt and streamed live on Instagram. In this meditation, Eluña guides you through your own inner temple to leave behind the weight you carry and purify your body for the dragon energy available during the eclipse. This was part of the initiation for the members of the community who are currently journeying with Eluña through Egypt on their path of Alchemical Awakening.

Deep Dive Into Dragon Energy

62 MIN
In this episode of Channeling After Dark, Eluña goes deep into an exploration of dragon energy. She discovers what dragon energy is, how it relates to angelic energy, more about connecting with dragon energy and where dragon energy is located globally.

August Q&A

In the August Q&A Eluña Channels answers to questions from the community about Thoth’s consciousness in the Great Pyramid, communicating with loved ones who have passed on, the history and future of China, the power of sound resonance, why so many people cannot find a life partner, and much more!

July Q&A

In the July Q&A Eluña Channels answers to questions from the community about energy blockages, the role of balancing chakras in shadow work, practices for quantum healing, the 3 Days of Darkness, the role of plant medicine, and much more.

June Q&A

In the June Q&A Eluña Channels answers to questions from the community about how to stay above the pendulum of emotion, quick ways to raise your vibration, understanding what it means to be on your highest timeline, understanding our spirit guides, the Hathors, crop circles, and more.